Sunday, 18 November 2012

Hamburger Cupcakes

Ok so if your're really bored like me, or want to try something different, go ahead n give these a go. theyre pretty easy to make, just takes time n effort :)


Cupcake Batter
8 Squares of Dark Chocolate
Sesame Seeds
Butter Icing


Following the instructions from my previous post (link below), make the batter for the cupcakes. Spoon less than you normally would into the cupcake cases n bake as normal. You want a cupcake that isnt too big. When almost ready, sprinkle a few sesame seeds on top.

 Melt the dark chocolate and mix into the remainder of the batter. Spoon about a teaspoon of this into your cupcake cases and bake for a short while. these will be your burger patties.

Make the Butter icing as explained in the previous post. Divide into 2 portions, colouring one green and one red. Colour the fondant yellow and roll out till about 3mm thick. Cut into squares.

To assemble: Cut the cupcake bun  in half; place your burger pattie onto the bottom half, followed by a slice of fondant cheese. Then pipe on the lettuce and tomato and finally place the top of the cupcake bun on and press firmly.


Saturday, 10 November 2012

Sponge Cupcakes

Cupcakes!!!!!!!!!! Nom nom nom.....this recipe is sooo easy to make and they are hands down the best sponge cupcakes I have ever tasted. Enjoy!

This is an old recipe so the measurements are in ounces rather than grams but most scales have different units on them these days. If not, google.... :p


4 Oz Butter
6 Oz Sugar
6 Oz Flour
2 Eggs
2 Tsp Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
1/2 Cup Milk
1 Tsp Vanilla Essence


Cream butter and sugar together. Add in rest of ingredients and beat for about 2 minutes. Thats it! Spoon into cupcake cases and bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees celcius.

Wait until cupcakes are completely cooled before icing them with whatever topping you like. I've used a basic butter cream. To make this icing, simply mix 250g icing sugar with 1 Tbsp of margarine. Pour in about 2 tablespoons of milk and mix till icing is well combined. Add more milk if icing is too hard, however be careful not to add too much!

*** To make coffee cupcakes, replace the milk with black coffee ***

Garnish cupcakes with rose buds, sprinkles, chocolate etc :)

Monday, 5 November 2012

Chicken With Green Beans & Capsicum

Ok so at the moment, my photographer is off on holiday :p sooo the next few posts wont have step by step photos, just the main one taken with my dodgy photo skills but i'm sure you'll cope :P

Had some fresh green beans from the garden which we didnt know what to do with so this is the result...Enjoy!


750g Chicken Breast Cubes
1 Cup Sliced Green Beans
1 Roasted and Peeled Capsicum Cubed (Available at most supermarkets, keep a jar of these in your fridge at all times!!! They come in handy often)
1 Tbsp Soya Sauce
1 Tbsp Hoisin Sauce
2 Tsp Garlic
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Fresh Pepper
1/4 Cup Cream
2 Tbsp Sesame Seeds


Marinate chicken with Soya sauce, Hoisin sauce, garlic, salt and pepper. Heat oil in a wok or frying pan. Stirfry chicken till just cooked. "Blanch" the beans by pouring boiling water over them and leave to sit for about 4 minutes then drain and pour cold water over them. Stir through beans and capsicum into the chicken and simmer.

When sauce looks thick, Stir through cream, bring to the boil and turn off. In a pan, dry roast sesame seeds until they release their oil and start to brown. Use to garnish the chicken.

Serve with rice :)